Logging into Chromebooks
Dear parents,
The information provided on your login sheets was not complete. To log into a Chromebook, the student needs to enter their school email address. This is confusing because only students in grades 6-12 are currently provided with District email addresses. If your child is in grades PreK-5, we need to trick the Chromebook into believing there is an email address. To do this, please follow the directions below.
Combine your child's username with @cheektowagasloan.org
If your child's username was 1721TSmit30, her email address would be 1721TSmit30@cheektowagasloan.org.
Once you enter the email address into the Chromebook, you will be taken to the Western New York Regional Information Center (WNYRIC).
On this screen, enter the child's email address again and use the password that was provided when you picked up the Chromebook. If your child is in grades 3-12, he will be asked to change his password by entering a new password two times. Whatever password you create will be your child's new password. If your child is in grades PreK-2, her password will never change.
If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact Mr. Peter Fuchs at pfuchs@cheektowagasloan.org. Mr. Fuchs will assess your situation and help troubleshoot the reason why you are not able to log in.