The Dignity for All Students Act implemented in July 2012, states that all students in public schools are entitled to safe and supportive environment free from discrimination and harassment. No student shall be subjected to harassment, discrimination, or bullying by school employees or by students on school property or at a school function. Bullying is a serious issue that every school in the nation faces. The Cheektowaga-Sloan Union Free School District has policies and procedures for addressing and intervening in instances of bullying.
In addition, amendments to the regulation (effective July 1, 2013) have added explicit references prohibiting cyber bullying. Children may be held accountable for these acts, even if committed OUTSIDE of school or school-sponsored events.
DASA includes provisions regarding reporting, codes of conduct, professional development, and classroom instruction. At least one highly-trained employee will be designated as a DASA coordinator in each school and will be responsible for receiving and reporting incidents. In addition, training is to be provided to staff and students in order to raise awareness, provide strategies for prevention, and offer methods of responding to acts of discrimination and/or harassment. Finally, schools will be required to collect and report data related to “material incidents” of discrimination and harassment.
- JFK High School Coordinator: Jessica Stiglmeier, 897-7800 ext. 1114
- JFK Middle School Coordinator: Erin Stillman, 897-7800 ext. 1135
- Woodrow Wilson Coordinator: Alyssa Ernst, 897-7800 ext. 2115
- Theodore Roosevelt Coordinator: Michaelene Bernas, 897-7800 ext. 3005
Link to DASA Reporting Form: Click here