• Designated Directory Information

    The school district designates the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education record as “directory information” and shall release the information without prior written consent unless it is for commercial purposes.

    1. Student’s name, email address, and date of birth (if required for a school-sponsored course, organization, activity, or report)
    2. Name(s) of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardians
    3. Student’s address and phone number to law enforcement authorities for the purposes of complying with an active investigation.
    4. Student’s grade designation (i.e., first grade, tenth grade, etc.)
    5. Student’s extracurricular school activities and offices (e.g., member of the Math Club; Secretary of Student Council)
    6. Student’s school achievement, awards, and honors (e.g., member of National Honor Society; selected for MVP award in Soccer)
    7. Relevant statistics, jersey number, and personal data-if a member of an athletic team or other school-sponsored course, organization, or activity
    8. Present and previous school(s) attended by the student

    Opt-Out - If you do not want the District to disclose the above directory information from your child’s educational records without your prior written consent, including to military recruiters, institutions of higher education, and potential employers, you must notify the District in writing by September 30 for the current school year. This notice must be sent to the building principal of your child’s school every year.

    Please note – A student photograph, video, or recording is not designated as “directory information.”  However, these may be used without prior written consent in District programs or to provide information or publicity for a school activity, the student, school, or District.   If you refuse to permit the use of your student’s photograph, video, or recording for these District purposes, you must notify the District in writing as directed above by September 30 for the current school year. This opt-out expires on June 30 of that school year.

    Board Policy 7240 - Student Records Access and Challenge