Is your housing uncertain? Do you live at a temporary address? Are you living...
- With relatives, friends, or others because you lost your housing, or because of economic hardship?
- In a shelter?
- In a motel or hotel because you have nowhere else to go?
- In inadequate housing?
You have important school rights and protection under the McKinney-Vento Act. Children and your in temporary housing have the right to:
- stay in the same school, including pre-k, and get free transportation even if it is across district lines;
- immediately enroll in school without records (school records, medical records, vaccination records, proof of residency);
- get special education services immediately if the student has a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP);
- participate fully in school activities, including before- or after-school activities;
- get support services and help with things like school supplies through Title I;
- get free school meals without filling out an application;
- get help enrolling in pre-k, Head Start, other preschool programs, and Early Intervention; and
- get help applying for financial aid for college if the student is an unaccompanied youth.
Where can I get help?
Every school district must have a McKinneyVento liaison to help students in temporary housing.
DISTRICT HOMELESS LIAISON: Mrs. Jessica Emmerling Director of Special Education
Contact Information:
Phone Number: (716) 891-6429
Email Address:
NOTE: All inquiries and designations will be confidential in nature.
The New York State Technical and Education Center for Homeless Students (NYS TEACHS) created a brochure with some helpful information for homeless students and their families. See below for a copy of this brochure.