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District Mission & Vision

Cheektowaga-Sloan UFSD Mission Statement

The mission of the Cheektowaga-Sloan Union Free School District is to provide a positive academic and social environment that encourages all students to strive for excellence. We are committed to preparing students to become responsible and productive citizens.

Cheektowaga-Sloan UFSD Vision Statement

Educating the Whole Child by supporting academic, social and emotional growth—respecting and appreciating that all students are worthy of intellectual respect, that the life and mind of each child is precious, that together, we achieve more, and that differences should be valued and appreciated

 Our District Vision includes the following:

  •  All Faculty & Staff in the CSUFSD Community will promote and model a positive, respectful, accepting and supportive learning environment PreK-12 that mirrors the Franklin Covey 7 Habits/Leader in Me empowerment and leadership philosophy to encourage good citizenship in our community

  • Maintaining a learning environment that supports all academic areas as well as art, music, library, physical education and extra-curricular activities so that the unique talents of all students are emphasized and celebrated
  • Utilizing our two Academic Learning Centers (ALCs) as resources to help all learners reach their highest potential—from striving learners to those who require challenging experiences
  • Recognizing that literacy skills must be taught in PreK and strengthened each year through the Lucy Calkins Reading Workshop Model in K-5, and then further developed in middle and high school through continued emphasis on skill development in both reading and writing with a focus on exposing students to varied authentic literature and real-life writing experiences
  • Developing strong mathematical skills through consistent instruction using the Common Core Learning Standards, real life applications & critical thinking skills, and then expand those math skills through exposure to Regents, Honors and AP mathematics coursework
  • Engaging students in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) opportunities K-12 so that they are best prepared for a 21st Century workforce beyond high school by reviewing and improving our existing technology programs